- Title: 3/5/2013 1:51:00 AM
- was decent when we moved to town 5 years ago, now simply not edible.now we drive to ramsey to Shanghai Chinese for take out.
- Title: 2023/4/18 22:12:35
- Just in case before wasn’t the right timing, I am personally reaching out to you again because I truly believe you have developed a great concept which my company can help you expand through franchising. Whenever your time permits, I’d love to chat with you about our program and a strategy we recently employed to get to franchise 500 status.
For your convenience, you can use the following live calendar link to book a call between us:
Looking forward to speaking with you.
Best Regards
- Title: 2023/2/28 7:21:53
- Hope you can appreciate my persistence; I have researched your brand online through multiple channels such as Google, Yelp, Facebook and Instagram and I have no doubt I can help you expand your brand to more locations through franchising.
To learn more about our program for 2023 and book a quick follow up call between us please use the following calendar link:
Best Regards,
John Romney
- Title: 2023/10/7 12:34:28
- hey whatsapp i was searching for a restaurant the i got your but i have got some issue of your website those are very improtant to informe you please comtact me asap to know those issue and how to solve them
- Title: 2023/1/8 19:12:08
- Hope you can appreciate my persistence; I have researched your brand online through multiple channels such as Google, Yelp, Facebook and Instagram and I have no doubt I can help you expand your brand to more locations through franchising.
To learn more about our program for 2023 and book a quick follow up call between us please use the following calendar link:
Best Regards,
John Romney